Had a bit of a later start today, 10am, and it was gonna be another epic day of riding. Legs were pretty wrecked from the day before but its all good. The famous San Fran fog had rolled in this morning, covering the entire bay, including the bridge, in a low and very thick fog. Made for some very cool photos of the pylons sticking out of the fog etc.
Decided to ride across the bridge again and up the Marin Headlands to get some photos from above the bridge. Cracked about 3/4 of the way up the hill and had to walk the bike the rest of the way. Mountain bikes are apparently really heavy. The fog made it absolutely FREEZING up there, and the wind was a hurricane, but it was worth it. It was quite strange because it was a really sunny and warm day, and yet all this cold fog, and it hung around till about 2pm as well.
Rode back to the bike shop and returned it, then walked to Lombard St and took some photos in the daytime. Since ive been here ive wanted to get the cable car photo going up one of the steep hills with a nice background. So I made my way back to the hotel and picked up my 70-200mm lens and caught the cable car to a good spot. Camped there for a while and think I nailed it. Cable car going up Hyde St with Alcatraz in the background, nice.
Well thats it for the moment. Tomorrow its off to Vegas where I shall endevour to try and not lose all my money on red.
Stunning pic of the cable car, your best so far, the fog is nice as well. It looks like you rode a hell of a long way, all over the place :D
Can’t wait to see/hear what you get up to in Vegas.
Comment by Tom — Friday, 19 June, 2009 @ 19:23