Just a quick update. Landed at JFK about 6 hours ago, and got to my hotel about 3 hours ago (9pm). Yes, 3 hours from airport to hotel. What an awesome shuttle service. I walked into my hotel room, and I wasn’t expecting much, but I reckon it could even be smaller than my bedroom. But it has location so it makes up for it. There is no Internet access, so im using some company’s wireless who must be close by ;)
Went for a quick walk up to Times Square, and its crazy. I could have sworn it was day time there is so much light coming off the shops and massive billboard ads. The crowds are also amazing. There are thousands and thousands of people walking everywhere, all the shops are open for business as well.
Well that’s about it for now, I gotta get some sleep while I can. Got the Sopranos tour tomorrow, so that’s gonna be sweet. Just gotta watch my spending…this place is incredible.
Glad to see you’re having a good time mate.New York is awesome isn’t it.Don’t worry about your spending.Just enjoy it and worry about it later!
Comment by Andrew Prentis — Sunday, 1 July, 2007 @ 15:15